Learnify - LMS Platform
ReactTailwind CSSStripeTypescriptNext jsJavascriptPrismaMuxShadcn-UI

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

🚀 A comprehensive Learning Management Dashboard, akin to a Udemy clone! 📚💻

Using an array of cutting-edge technologies including Next.js, TypeScript, Prisma, Mux, Stripe, Tailwind CSS, React JavaScript, Clerk, and various other tools, I'm crafting a dynamic and user-friendly platform for online learning.

🛠️ Technologies leveraged:

Next.js: For a seamless, fast, and scalable frontend experience.
TypeScript: Adding type safety and enhancing code quality.
Prisma: Facilitating robust database operations and management.
Mux: Powering video streaming capabilities.
Stripe: Implementing secure and efficient payment processing.
Tailwind CSS: Streamlining responsive and sleek UI/UX design.
React JavaScript: Ensuring dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
Clerk: Handling user authentication and authorization seamlessly.

This project aims to revolutionize online education by providing a feature-rich platform with diverse functionalities, offering courses across various disciplines, robust user management, secure payment gateways, and an intuitive interface for an unparalleled learning experience.